Skin SkinPen

Is skin needling right for me?

Have you heard about Skin Needling? It has been getting a lot of attention lately, from the media as well as from happy patients posting their experiences online.

It makes you wonder if a skin needling procedure is right for you and your lifestyle. Here’s what you can expect:

Skin Needling

Skin needling – also known as micro-needling or collagen induction therapy – is a skin rejuvenation treatment that is suitable to treat the widest range of skin concerns and skin types. Skin Needling is an excellent option if you’re aiming to refine age-related fine lines and wrinkles as well as soften the appearance of stretch marks and scars resulting from acne, surgery, or injury.


If you have darker skin, you may have looked into other skin treatments, only to be told they aren’t appropriate for you. Because Skin Needling does not rely on heat, laser or light, this treatment is a fantastic solution for virtually everyone!

Personally-Tailored Procedures

Every individual’s skin is different. Our Skin Pen treatments can be customised for the particular conditions you want to address and your skin goals. Using our SkinPen device, we can adjust needle depth as well as treat very small areas on the face or larger areas on other parts of your body.


You may have heard that skin needling can be done at home. It’s true that you can use an older style device called a dermaroller to attempt this treatment on your own. But technology has changed dramatically in the world of micro-needling.

By choosing professional, in-clinic treatments with our SkinPen, ensures reduced risk of infection, allergic reaction, or other complications. Plus, you can expect significantly improved results!


You can expect a comfortable treatment when you choose SkinPen micro-needling. Because the device is part of a comprehensive program, it protects your skin while renewing it. We incorporate a topical numbing cream prior to treatment to ensure maximum comfort.


No matter how busy your life, Skin Pen treatments fit easily into your schedule. The treatment itself takes just 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the condition being addressed and the size of the treatment area. Plus, there is virtually no downtime!

Because Skin Pen works gradually, you may need multiple sessions to achieve your desired results. Additional sessions are scheduled 4 to 6 weeks apart, so again, they’re easy to slide into your calendar.

Dec 2022