PRP Skin Rejuventation

Revitalise your skin from the inside out innovative skin treatments


Revitalise your skin and harness your natural collagen with PRP injections. Renew aging, tired and dull skin and restore that radiant glow


Harness the body’s healing abilities and amplify the body’s natural growth factors to rejuvenate and revitilise your skin though PRP Skin injections.

Platelet Rich Plasma injections can boost your natural collagen production to help stimulate a youthful glow – improving skin tone, texture, fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and dark circles.

How it works

Platelet is a key component of blood that contains abundant growth factors, that assists cellular repair and regeneration. The idea is that injecting Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into damaged tissues will stimulate your body to grow new, healthy cells and promote healing.

The treatment involves the harvesting of concentrated platelets from the blood using a special collection device and centrifuge. PRP is then injected back into the skin, initiating a local stem cell response, promoting collagen growth and radiant skin.

Why we use PRP?

PRP skin injections help to heal damaged and aging skin, renewing your youthful appearance by creating a smoother skin texture, reducing pigmentation and addressing skin laxity. PRP is also commonly used in hair regeneration treatments to promote natural hair growth.

Because PRP injections use a patient’s own blood, this treatment has a high safety profile and can be used alone but also in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. This method means there is nothing else added, with no ingredients or medicines being introduced into the skin making it completely natural.

Expected result

PRP will begin working under the skin immediately, making new cells to help improve the surface layers of skin. Visible results will be seen between six to 12 weeks post-treatment, with continued improvements lasting for up to one year.

  • Treatment Time – 40 Mins
  • Discomfort – Mild
  • Recovery – 24 Hours

Preparation and Aftercare


2 weeks prior

  • Do not have skin treatments such as peels, microdermabrasion, exfoliants or prescription vitamin A.

5 days prior

  • Avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Avoid supplements that are known to increase bruising such as garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, green tea extract, vitamin E, multi-vitamins, omega 3 & 6 and fish oils.
  • Do not use topical medications or high strength cosmeceuticals containing vitamin A, retinol or glycolic acid

During procedure

Depending on how many areas you want to get treated, a volume of blood will be taken. This is usually between 10 to 30 ml. Your blood is then placed in a centrifuge for around 5 minutes. Once your cells have separated, the rich platelets are extracted and injected into the skin where rejuvenation is requested.  

Mild discomfort or stinging sensation can be expected with PRP injections; however, we can apply a topical numbing cream beforehand. 



  • After the PRP procedure, it is recommended not to wash your face with cleansers or apply liquid make-up for at least 12 hours post-procedure. If you need to wash your face, please use warm water without soap.
  • Minimal alcohol, coffee, caffeine; and nil supplements that may increase bruising for 2 days post procedure.
  • No exercise for 24 hours as that would usually create a flushed face or excessive facial perspiration.
  • If progressive swelling occurs after you leave the clinic, apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the area for 5-10minutes up to 3 times/day and sleep with an extra pillow for the first night to help reduce the under-eye swelling.

Pricing & Packages

PRP Skin Rejuvenation

  • PRP for Skin Rejuvenation $450

PRP Skin Rejuvenation Packages

  • Package of 3 Treatments of PRP Skin Rejuvenation ($385/Treatment) $1155
  • Package of 3 Treatments of PRP Skin Rejuvenation with Skin Hydration Booster $1935
  • PRP Skin Rejuvenation Combine with Skin Hydration Booster $750
  • Vampire Facial – Skin Needling Combined with PRP Skin Rejuvenation $750

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